Work environment and equality

A good work environment is for us a workplace where the staff enjoy going to work. A healthy workplace with motivating tasks and a good atmosphere, where occupational injuries and work-related accidents are rare. A good workplace is also an equal workplace where each employee has the same rights, obligations, and opportunities to develop.

Work environment policy

Work environment efforts at the company is a strategic and important issue that affects both our safety and our competitiveness. The company has a responsibility to prevent and address risks for health, and physical and mental strains.

One aim is also that everyone, regardless of their duties, should be given the opportunity for both influence and development, as well as cooperation and social contacts.

Equality policy

We will be a company where the view of equality is characterized by having equal workplaces where the specific abilities of all individuals regardless of gender should be harnessed to contribute to a good work result and working climate. The equal value of women and men should be the obvious value within Harry Holms AB.

We want women and men to be paid equally for equal work, and for women and men to be able to work in the professions they are interested in. For it to be natural that both women and men can reconcile work with responsibility for their children, and that the working environment and the work organization are such that they suit both women and men, and that violations on the basis of gender do not occur.

The company and all employees shall, in collaboration:

  • Actively promote a sustainable working life where both physical and psychosocial work environment are suitable for all employees. This means taking into account that all employees, regardless of gender, should be given equal opportunities/conditions regarding working hours, conveniences, attitudes, language, heavy/fine motor tasks.
  • Make it easier for all employees to balance work with parenting. We do this, for example, by making it easier for parents to use flexible working hours and, as far as possible, setting up meetings during regular working hours.
  • Preventing harassment on grounds of gender, religion, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation; This means to counteract actions that relate to unwelcome behavior and that may be perceived as violating the employee's privacy.
  • Give all employees opportunities for development and training. This means that all employees, regardless of gender, should be given equal opportunities for development within the framework of their work.
  • Actively promote a more even gender balance within our units. By this we mean achieving a more even distribution of women and men in different types of jobs and positions and always working to ensure that vacancies are applied by and offered to both women and men as much as possible.
  • Give all employees equal pay and conditions regardless of gender for equal performance as the work performed is equal and has a comparable level of difficulty. By this we mean ensuring that there are no pay differences that depend solely on gender. This shall be done through regular salary mapping.